Aspirated Consonants

Aspirated Consonants

Aspirated Consonants

Goal: Read and write basic syllables with 4 aspirated consonants

  • 4 Aspirated Consonants (ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅊ)

Aspirated Consonants – How it is composed

Characters with added strokes represent the harsh sound (ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅊ).

Aspirated Consonants – composition

Aspirated Consonants – Let’s Read

  • Those are unvoiced and aspirated consonants. Aspiration refers to the strong bursts of air that comes out of your mouth when the sound is articulated. In the case of an aspirated sound, the tissue sheet placed in front of the mouth moves significantly as the air is blown out. You can compare 가 and 카

Consonants Shape Sounds Romanization
ㅋ sounds like the ‘k’ in key k
ㅌ sounds like the ‘t’ in teeth t
ㅍ sounds like the ‘p’ in pie p
ㅊ sounds like the ‘ch’ in church ch

Aspirated Consonants – Let’s Practice

Hide the romanization and read the words aloud.

Consonant Picture Vocabulary Meaning Romanization
커피 coffee /keo pi/
토마토 tomato /to ms to/
피아노 piano /pi a no/
치마 skirt /chi ma/