ClassKorea site

what Motivates Us

ClassKorea’s vision is the prosperity of humanity through cultural sharing.

King Sejong created Korean Alphabet, ‘Hangeul’ 500 years ago for the people suffering from illiteracy. Culture can make people in the world happy and beautiful. We want to nurture these values through Hangeul and cultural sharing. 

ClassKorea provides e-learning platforms to customers around the world. Our service line-up will include an interactive self-study program that will enable students to read and write Korean in less than 3 hours. This will be an essential Korean language learning tool for customers to watch K-dramas, travel to Korea, or get a job. ClassKorea will become a unique learning platform that connects students from all over the world and shares the joy of learning in communities.

Our mission is for students to experience their own growth and achievement through our services.

ClassKorea site

what Motivates You

Our teaching methods will satisfy students’ three motivations for sustainable learning.


You will be in control of your own needs, such as self-monitoring and goal setting.


You will see the results that you're improving. You will achieve your learning goals.


You will be excited through the expansion of relatedness including media enjoyment and social network.

ClassKorea site

Unleash yourself, relax yourself

Let’s enjoy our learning together. Your happiness matters to us!

Online Class – Self paced & interactive learning program

This is a must-have tool to start learning Korean. Full access to interactive learning programs to students achieve course goals. Students follow a fun guided study program to master the Korean language in the shortest amount of time.

Online Class - Live steaming video classes with a native teacher

Students receive intensive practice in speaking and writing Korean through interactive online classes and homework. Access course materials, workbooks, and one-on-one instruction with immediate feedback.

Membership – Subscription

Full access to interactive learning programs, a supervised class curriculum, self-assessments, progress checks, video clips, learning events, and a community where you can practice your Korean with native Korean speakers.